Walstraat 13 - 6629 AD Appeltern

Mobiel: 06-48372041


Bekijk de website van de Theetuin Appeltern

To see and to do (1)


The Gardens of Appeltern (Appeltern)

The largest en most beautiful Garden inspiration park of Holland is within walking distance of the Bed & Breakfast


Pumping Station – De Tuut (Appeltern)

Within walking distance of our Bed & Breakfast is Pumping station De Tuut, de only remaining pumping station along the rivers in Gelderland that can be visited. (a number of weekends a year the pumps are fully operational)


River cruise Moeke Mooren (Appeltern)

Only 2 km away from our Bed & Breakfast you can board passenger ship “De Sluizer” and can make a cruise on the river Maas.


‘t Oude Ambacht (Alphen)

In Alphen you will find the tin foundry ‘”t Oude Ambacht” where you can have a guided tour or visit the attractive showroom.


Wijngaard De Kleine Heerlijkheid (Horssen)

De Kleine Heerlijkheid is the oldest vinyeard in Gelderland. Here they can tell you all about the vine culture in Holland


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